For seven days in September the hustle-bustle of the Head Temple of the Kwan Um Zen School where some 40 Zen students and their families live and train, was subject to the gentle influence of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, the renowned poet, scholar and peace activist. Providence Zen Center, his East Coast host for this rare visit to the United States, provided the setting for a 4-day mindfulness workshop and several public talks. The Buddhist Peace Fellowship coordinated his travel schedule. Living in exile in France since 1966, the slim, collected Zen Master has been an untiring advocate of peace through a change of hearts and minds. He is the leading voice of "Engaged Buddhism" and a founder of the Tiep Hien Order, the Order of Interbeing About 45 people attended his 4-day workshop, held in the Diamond Hill Zen Monastery on the PZC grounds, In which he taught mindful walking meditation and how to use mindfulness in everyday life. He held tea ceremonies and a precept ceremony to which many children were invited. Durinq his stay, he also gave a scholarly talk on the Heart Sutra |