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A few treasured moments with Zen Master Seung Sahn
- Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN Source: Primary Point 2012, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 27 Note: Abstract not available Catalan subject: Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anècdotes English subject: Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anecdotes Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 9.733561 - 1 p. - View full record |
The Five Desires: Living Wisely with Ourselves. Desire for Money: You Can Change Your Wanting-Karma
- Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN Source: Primary Point 2015, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 18-19 Note: Editor’s note: Periodically we’ve had a series of topical articles about fundamental Buddhist principles. For this issue, we’ve asked the European teachers to offer their views on the five desires: money, sex, fame, food, and sleep. Desire, at its root, is our own original nature. Desires point to essential elements of our lives. Clinging to desire, we seduce and delude ourselves. Seeing into desire clearly is seeing into our nature clearly, and living wisely with these essential components of our lives. We present these articles to offer guidance in how we participate with our own humanity Catalan subject: Budisme Ensenyament ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) ; Desig Aspectes religiosos Budisme English subject: Desire Religious aspects Buddhism ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anecdotes Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 9.733561 - 2 p. - View full record |
Bogumila Malinowska Inka ceremony
- Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN Source: Primary Point 2010, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 12-13 Note: Dharma combat and Inka speech of Bogumila Malinowska JDPSN, September 20, 2009, at Warsaw Zen Center in Poland Catalan subject: Budisme zen Ensenyament ; Budisme zen Discursos ; Inka (Budisme zen) ; Nivell d'instrucció English subject: Zen Buddhism Teachings ; Zen Buddhism Speeches, addresses, etc. ; Inka (Zen Buddhism) ; Level of instruction Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 9.733561 - 2 p. - View full record |
Poetry (Buddha’s Enlightenment Day Poem; Wu Bong Sa, Autumn 2013; Around, Around, Around)
- Briggs, Barry; JDPSN ; Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN ; Jok Um Ryun Gak, Zen Master (Kessel, Ken) Source: Primary Point 2015, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 24 Note: Abstract not available Catalan subject: Poesia zen English subject: Zen poetry Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 4.8667803 - 1 p. - View full record |
Perspectives on the Paramitas: Finding the Other Shore Right Here (Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Effort, Meditation, Wisdom)
- Schaefer, Arne; Oh Gong JDPSN ; Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN ; Ji Kwang Mu Kyong, Zen Master (Wöhrle-Chon, Roland) ; Vermeulen, Koen; JDPSN ; Pininski, Igor; JDPSN ; Gu Ja Mu Chak, Zen Master (Namhee Chon) Source: Primary Point 2013, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 14-15, 18-20, 22 Catalan subject: Virtuts (Budisme) English subject: Paramitas (Buddhism) Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 3.0417376 - 9 p. - View full record |
Caring for Us
- Bon Shim Myong Shim, Zen Master (Porter, Ola) ; Bon Yo Ja Mi, Zen Master (Perl, Grazyna) ; Ji Kwang Mu Kyong, Zen Master (Wöhrle-Chon, Roland) ; Gu Ja Mu Chak, Zen Master (Namhee Chon) ; Potter, Jo; Poep Ja JDPSN ; Malinowska, Bogumila; Ja An JDPSN Source: Primary Point 2013, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 20 Note: Anecdotes of Zen Master Wu Bong by her students and successors Catalan subject: Wu Bong Poep Mu Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1950-2013 (Perl, Jacob) Anècdotes English subject: Wu Bong Poep Mu Sunim, Zen Master, 1950-2013 (Perl, Jacob) Anecdotes Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen Comparative relevance: 2.4333901 - 1 p. - View full record |