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gerber (9) sunim (347) sang (11) mu (104) david (16)

American monk's best-seller highlights our school's progress in Korea  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 2001, vol. 19, no.1, pp. 22-23
Note: Abstract not available
Catalan subject: Budisme Relacions Cristianisme ; Vida religiosa i monàstica (Budisme zen) Corea ; Crítica literària ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) ; Hyon Gak Sunim, JDPS
English subject: Buddhism Relations Christianity ; Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) Korea ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) ; Book reviewing ; Hyon Gak Sunim, JDPS
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/review ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 2 p. - View full record

Not old, not new  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 2000, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 15
Note: Talk by Mu Sang Sunim at the opening ceremony for Kye Ryong Sahn International Zen Center, Mu Sang Sah, on March 19, 2000
Catalan subject: Budisme zen Discursos ; Equipaments religiosos Corea ; Temples budistes
English subject: Zen Buddhism Speeches, addresses, etc. ; Religious facilities Korea ; Buddhist temples
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 1 p. - View full record

Zen Master goes to Europe, twenty years later: Some subversive thoughts  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 1998, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 19-21
Note: Abstract not available
Catalan subject: Budisme Zen ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anècdotes
English subject: Zen Buddhism ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anecdotes
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 3 p. - View full record

Samadhi and Zen Zen Master : Seung Sahn's teaching in western Europe  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 1992, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 3-4
Note: Abstract not available
Catalan subject: Budisme zen ; Samadhi ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Lee, Duk-In) Anècdotes
English subject: Zen Buddhism ; Samadhi ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anecdotes
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 2 p. - View full record

A Bad Situation is a Good Situation Traveling in Eastern Europe  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 1991, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 12-14
Note: Mu Sang Sunim is director of Dharma Zen Center in Los Angeles
Catalan subject: Budisme zen Ensenyament ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Mestre Zen, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anècdotes
English subject: Zen Buddhism Teachings ; Seung Sahn Haeng Won Sunim, Zen Master, 1927-2004 (Duk-In Lee) Anecdotes
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 3 p. - View full record

L.A. Zen Man  - Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 1998, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 25
Catalan subject: Poesia zen
English subject: Zen poetry
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 9.629479 - 1 p. - View full record

Memorial for Dae Won Sunim JPDS (1950-2011)  - Primary Point ; Soeng Hyang Poep Um, Zen Master (Rhodes, Barbara) ; Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David) ; Eisele, Lesley ; Quinn, Jason; Dae Wu JDPSN
Source: Primary Point 2011, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 10-11
Note: Abstract not available
Catalan subject: Dae Won Sunim JPDS, 1950-2011 Necrologies
English subject: Dae Won Sunim JPDS, 1950-2011 Obituaries
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 4.1269197 - 2 p. - View full record

An Emerging Monastic Tradition  - Primary Point ; Dae Kwang Do An Sunim, Zen Master (Binger, Jim) ; Mu Ryang Sunim (Berall, Erik) ; Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David) ; Dae Bong Do Mun Sunim, Zen Master (Sichel, Larry) ; Mu Soeng Sunim (Shrivistava, Prakash) ; Kwang Myong Sunim, JDPS
Source: Primary Point 1992, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 5-8
Note: In July, 1990, six of the senior monks and nuns in the Kwan Um School of Zen engaged in a provocative discussion of monastic life in the United States. The participants were representative of a wide variety of experiences here and overseas, including doing long retreats, teaching, living in Zen centers and monsteries, working the land and operating computers. Excerpts from this "monk's panel" at the summer sangha gathering follow. The panel members were: Do An Sunim, JDPSN, abbot of Providence Zen Center; Do Mun Sunim, abbot of Cambridge Zen Center; Kwang Myong Sunim, abbot of Furnace Mountain in Kentucky; Mu Sang Sunim, director of Dharma Zen Center in Los Angeles; Mu Soeng Sunim, abbot of Diamond Hill Zen Monastery in Cumberland, Rhode Island; and Mu Ryang Sunim, abbot of Dharma Zen Center in Los Angeles. The questions were asked by sangha members
Catalan subject: Monaquisme i ordes religiosos budistes (Budisme zen)
English subject: Monastic and religious life (Zen Buddhism)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 3.4390998 - 4 p. - View full record

In memory of Zen Master Su Bong Soen Sa on the first anniversary of his death July 17, 2004  - Wu Bong Poep Mu Sunim, Zen Master, 1950-2013 (Perl, Jacob) ; Bon Hae, Zen Master (Roitman, Judy) ; Jok Um Ryun Gak, Zen Master (Kessel, Ken) ; Powers, Bob ; Mu Sang Sunim (Gerber, David)
Source: Primary Point 1995, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 18-19
Note: Abstract not available
Catalan subject: Poesia zen
English subject: Zen poetry
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Legal notice: © Kwan Um School of Zen
Comparative relevance: 3.4390998 - 2 p. - View full record